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by: Lavina Burgess

Across the way, just a few feet or more
I heard an animal cry, as if in pain
I ran so fast, and saw a puppy laying on the grass
A man...I saw, kicking and beating him, leaving him to die
With every breath and gasp he took, it broke my heart to look
I gently, went to his side, and called the VET
To come and help this little pet
With big brown eyes, trying to look at me
As I wiped the blood, dripping down his brow
I said a prayer... "Please GOD don't take him away
I'll care for him, and take him home
Where he will no longer roam, from home to home
In that instant...
I looked down at him, with big tears, streaming down
And then he looked at me, as if to say...
"Please take me home, I'm tired and sore
I don't want to be hurting anymore!"
I knelt to his side, and wept
As the VET said...
"Take him home, he is ready to be loved and fed!"