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By: Lavina Burgess

The sounds of thunder
From,I think is a storm
It's my exercise
Running from room to room

My puppy eyes
Just looking at you
I jump to your side
And you hug me with pride

The vitamins you give me
Is good for my health
And keeps my heart strong
So I can live long

My master takes me outside
To release,whatever in me
And when I come in
He gives me a treat

I have a toy
It's a red squeaky ball
That once belonged to Paul

And a raw-hide bone
That I like to eat
And my master says
It's good for my teeth

And when I'm done chewing
Or all done playing
I have a Halloween bucket
To put them all in

I lick your face
With my big red tongue
Then jump right up
When the door bell rung

I hear a loud noise
And run to the door
Woof,it was that darn
Garbage truck once more

My fur,you said is soft and shiny
As you brush my coat
And then I said...
Is this puppy love...
You and I ?