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Part 2
By: Lavina Burgess

You dominate,terminate,and attack
With your cowardly powers and threats
You're a big problem in this World
Your nuclear weapons,fear,and starvation
Saddam Hussein,you had a choice...
To destroy all your chemical weapons
Your deceiving and evil
With your torching and rapes
And acid,thrown in your own people's faces
We dread for the War,that will be here soon
But one day,we'll have freedom...
For everyone
Evil runs through your veins
So does your sons,they are the same
Here's a sample from Quasi...
“With a simple sign from you,(Saddam,dad) we can make AMERICA'S people
sleepless and frightened,and to give me (Quasi,son) a sign to turn their night into day and their day into a living hell.” (Un-quote)
And here is another ( Quote ) from Saddam's older son..Uday
“If the Americans come; What they wept for on Sept 11 and what they view as a major event.It will appear as a picnic for them.” (Un-quote)
What nice kids you have raised !
Is that LOVE from the mouth of babes ?
That is..”THE EVIL'S “ of the World !
We are confident,and our Country is strong
And we hope and pray
Not one...will go home in a bag
We don't want your threats,or your kind
To pollute this wonderful earth
Who,like you,kills their own kind
Because AMERICA is strong...And we don't need you !
You don't belong
We will not be free...Until the WORLD is free of you !