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I didn't know if I should
go out to the car to wake
Tony up, or leave him there.
It was still early and the
kids were still in bed.

Missy and I grabbed our cups
of coffee and went out to
the kitchen.
I turned the radio on and
kept the volume down low.

Missy: "So, what time did the
hit and run occur?"

Cynthia: "I was listening to the
radio on the way home and
the announcer said it was
around 1:30 this morning."

Missy: "People that get drunk,
should use their damn brains
and stay off the road!"

Cynthia: "Yeah, tell me about it."

Radio Announcer: "And now the top headlines
in today's news."

Cynthia: "I want to hear this."

Radio Announcer: "There was an unknown person
killed by a drunk driver
around 1:30 this morning, it was
a hit and run accident."

Missy: "I wonder if anybody witnessed it?"

Cynthia: "I don't know."

Missy had a worried look on her face.
Whenever she gets nervous or frightened,
she tends to bite her nails.

Sept 7/2003