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I got an
From a friend
Of mine
Last night.

A friend
Of hers
Sent it to her.

It was a
Black and white
It looked almost
Like a
Skeletons face.

She told me to
Look at four
Little dots in the
Middle of the picture
For 30 seconds.

I did so.

After that, I had to
Look at a
White wall
And blink my eyes
While looking
At the wall.

Do you know
What I saw?

It was the face
Of Jesus.

I couldn't
Believe my eyes.

So, I
Did it again
And there
He was
Right there
In front of me
On the wall.

I tell
You now
This is not
A lie.

This is a
True story.

I saw Him
With my
Own eyes.

Written Nov.21/2002