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I heard the rustling again.
The sound of a tree branch breaking.
I quickly got out of the car,
ran down to the water
and called out to my friends.
I couldn't hear them.
I screamed out their names.

The headlights on the car grew very dim.
A moment later, there was darkness.
I was alone , in the dark, once more.
I kept calling out to my friends,
but I couldn't hear an answer.
I knew something terrible was happening.

A few hours had passed.
Still no sign of my friends.
Daylight was arriving.
I stayed up all night,
pacing up and down the beach
and calling out to my friends.
My throat was so dry from screaming.
I didn't have a voice left.

As I roamed up and down the beach,
I was finding articled of clothing.
I picked them up,
looked at them
and realised that they were
the clothes my friends were wearing.

Maybe they are still here somewhere,
I thought to myself.
My heart was saying one thing,
while my head told me something
completely different.
I didn't want to think the worst,
but I had no other choice.
I couldn't help,
but to feel the way I did.

The further along the beach I went,
the more terrified I got.
As more and more articles
of clothing I found laying there,
I knew I must have been close,
to the answers I was seeking.
It was very mysterious,
how my friends went missing,
the night before.

Copyright cynthia Jones