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I don't want to do this,
I want to go home,
I didn't come out
here for this,
I should have stayed home.

I'm cold,
I'm damn wet,
the mosquitos are biting,
p*ss off ya
damn flying insect.

Forty-five minutes
of bullsh*t,
trudging through the woods,
why did I come?
I wanna get.

I know we are supposed
to be going on a vacation,
but this is ridiculous,
I wanna go home.

The kids are soaked
and so am I,
I'm really hating,
these damn black flies.

Our clothes are soaked
and filthy too,
we're here,
now what the hell
are we supposed to do?

Cursing and swearing,
all the way through,
I want to go home,
what about you?

Copyright Cynthia Jones