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She was just a young girl
barely in her teens,
she had her whole life
ahead of her,
she was off to a
party one night,
after she snuck
out of the house.

She hung around kids
that were much older than her,
but she didn't care,
she figured everything was fine,
she stayed out late
got drunked up
and was on her way home.

In the darkness of night,
there was evil lurking
she never realised,
when out from the shadows
came a masked man
and threw her to the ground,
he beat her up and raped her.

Every day after that
she was getting sick
and she couldn't understand why,
her mother took her to the hospital,
they both found out she was pregnant,
she was too young
to have a baby of her own
and didn't know what
the unborn child was.

She had to have
an abortion,
beacuse she was raped,
she couldn't stand
the pain from that night,
she gave a name to
an unborn child,
a child that never was.

Copyright Cynthia Jones