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It was back when I was
about 7 years old,
I neededsome
pussy willows
for a project we
were doing at school.

I was in the car
with my grandparents
driving down the highway,
as I sat in the
backseat of their car,
I was keeping
my eyes peeled for
pussy willows on
the side of the road.

They were easy to spot,
I yelled out,
"Nanny and grampie,
there's some
p*ssy willows over there!"
I was so excited,
I hadn't realised
what I had said.

My grandmother said,
"What did you say?"
I said,
"There's some p*ssy willows
over there."
She then spoke up
and said,
"They're not p*ssy willows,
they are pussy willows."

Copyright Cynthia Jones