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Putting things in
groups of 10
until you reach 100,
10 capital K's,
10 small S's that look like snakes,
10 pieces of macaroni,
10 starfish,
10 red sticker hearts,
10 3's that look like pieces of wood,
10 yellow balloons,
10 colorful X's,
10 red cars,
and 10 black teardrops.

It was quite the project
getting it ready to present
to the entire school,
the number 100
looks like funny characters
I think it looks cool.

I've worked hard
for the past two weeks
trying to help you out,
our eyes light up
with each different thing,
I've done alot of
running about.

I hope you like
presenting to the school
on Monday of next week,
I remember the first night
I worked on it,
the next morning
you said,
"Thanks mommy
for helping me with my project,"
you gave me a hug
and kissed me on the cheek.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

I wrote this for my little five year old boy. He helped glue a few things on to the bristol board.