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Is this Paradise, or is this Heaven?
In this beautiful Island where we've come to stay
Surrounded by Palm trees and it's tropical breezes
Hot sand under your feet
As you climb on your board to surf

Is this Parsdise, or am I dreaming?
With these pretty cottages all in a row
Pretty flowers in window boxes
And the flowing scents, that fills the air

Is this paradise, with all it's beauty
Surrounded by the ocean...
Of blue-green and aqua-marine
Manatees and Dolphins, lovely creatures to see?

Is this Paradise, or heavens delight?
With it's crested Cock-a-tiels
And clear crystal ocean
Of many divers, diving with the fish below

Ohh...this is Paradise, and it's heavens delight
Thank you Mother Nature, for the beauty below
And I this Paradise...
Or am I in Heaven tonight?