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By: Lavina Burgess

On Christmas Eve, we received a gift
A puppy, we named Jimmy-dog
Wiggling and squirming in my arms
Wanting to be let down

He landed four paws upon the grass
And happily a mole in the ground
He then see's a squirrel, that ran up a tree
Then he yelped and yelped, for him to come down

A big ole kitty, showed up on the steps
Rubbing and purring at my feet
Along comes Jimmy-dog, lickety-split
The big ole kitty...
Then wacked him swiftly

Jimmy-dog wailed, and the kitty looked back
“This my territory, and I'll be back just better watch...
Because, I will attack!”

Jimmy-dog...then went back
To find what was moving under-ground
I looked all around, and could not find...
And then I saw...Jimmy-dog, with just his tail...
Sticking out of a hole, deep in the ground

And during a thunder storm
He don't like the loud booms
It drives him crazy... he runs from room to room
We have to calm him down, he thinks he's doomed

Our puppy is spoiled, and hubby did that
Jimmy-dog sit's near him, to snatch what ever drops
Where ever we go, he looks at us with sad eyes
Then hubby says... let's go bye-bye's

So thank you Jimmy-dog, for giving us joy
And for the fun and funny times we've had
Soon you'll be eleven...
And you'll always be our puppy
Until the day you leave us... for Doggy Heaven