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Love is something we all have,some people just dont show it, because they think its uncool but there wrong.
Love is what keeps us going,
through out the days of our lives.
Love is what makes us happy,
no matter if you just got done yelling at each other love comes inbetween it to make it better.
Love is a charm that god gave to all of us to use in every which way,like hate or sad or even if your real mean you still have love inside that you wanna share.your just scared to show it,dont be.
Love is many things nobody really understands love it can make you do many things.
Love is just something we all use and need each and everyday.
Love can make you feel good.
Love can make you sad or even mad.
Love is love and no one can change it.
Love can only change you and it can change the way you are,dont let that happen it could ruin your relation ship or your life.

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