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 My poetic poems,for everyone to read  
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"Why" pt.2

I miss you so much i need you here
my heart is sinking when your not hear
why? wont you call me,why? wont you believe a word i say
why? cant you trust me no more,it just hurts to say
why? why? why?,please tell me ive been waiting for your answer for a very long time
why? cant i hold you why? cant i call you why?
why? are you seeing someone you dont even know,i thought i was your one and only girl!
why? did you make a promise to stay with me forever?
when you didnt even keep the promise but only for a few years.
why? are you treating me like this,i cant take it no more.
WHY? is my question please tell me dear.
I just cant wait to hear your voice once more.

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