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Why Am I Here?

Why am I here -
Where did I come from?

Why can't I remember
Where I've been
Though I believe in reincarnation –
Lives past
And lives to come?

Was it necessary that I come here
Or did I volunteer to live
This life I breath,
To be here, to experience,
To correct,
To help,
To die?

Will I have to return here again
Some future time,
Live another obligation,
Experience some other thing
In future days
And ways yet to be?

Will I be woman or will I be man?

Why am I here?
When do I go,
Where to
And how,
Which way??

If I return, when will it be?
How will I know I've been here before?
Will I remember?

What is it like where I go to
When I die and leave this mother of clay?

Why was I here?
Why was I there?

W.C.Hull © 20041021