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The Streets

These streets are crazy in many ways,u can fall or you can stand up and face what you will have to face when they are on the streets.
these streets are sometimes calm sometimes wild, but most of all they are full of surprises.
alot of people who live in the country dont understand us (the people that live in the city)because they are used to living in the country.
these streets are my home they mad me learn what i know today.
the streets is where i met my tru friends and my enemys (enemys that i no longer have.)
the streets are a part of me, from when i was born till the day i die.
most poeple judge people like me because of the way i talk or the way i act.(thats to bad) because you are never gonna change my attitude or my personality. thats that.u dont like me well then i just dont care.

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