Scent I scent a powerful scent coming my way.
I dont no what it is but its real close to me.
I feel it like its right in front of me, oh i wounder what that is.
As i walk away from my spot i keep on walking and feel the scent of what i am looking for in front of me.
The scent was so good that i needed to find out what it was.
I walk to the scent of the seen i see a man ,i say to my self( hmm he looks like a nice guy to talk to).
I walk up to the man and ask his name he told me his name was , Mickey.
I am pleased to meet you, i am trying to say i found you by your scent your scent is what led me to you.
He looked at me strange, hmm thats strange i never had someone just follow me by my scent of my colone.
I said to him no not your colone scent ,i ment i was led to you because i have a feeling you were the one for me.
So we started to talk, then we started going out.
We are happy together, thank the lord for the scent he led me to.