The life i left behind I had a life of happiness and joy.
It all got token away by a little boy.
He was only 5 years old at the time,he burnt our house down with one flick of fire.
It spread through the house like it was water, tore through the door as if there was a war.
Now thats all gone i have to move on,i just hate to think about it but i cant change the way that it happened and its sad to me.
I had many friends and many enemys but i will not forget them with in my heart they are my true friends till this day i do not no where they stay.
I found some new friends but they cant replace the others.
I miss my old neighborhood and the schools that i once stood in.
I am missing everything in my past i just want my old life back.
the life the story the frineds and school i am sory for leaving the life i left behind me....because a little flick of fire.