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Adorable little thing.

My sister had a baby, the baby was so cute and adorable she was just the cutest little thing i have ever seen.

She was born with alot of hair and she looked like her dad with the light skin.

She was named jasmine, she was givin that name because she is spanish.

Her father is 100% Mexican and her mother is 100% caucasion.

They both have a wounderful and beutiful daughter, they are happy together with out any doubt.

Another thing is they just got married.

I hope they have a good life ahead of them, i really hope they do.

My niece there daughter is so special to me because she is like a little sister to me, i will not let her get hurt or harmed in any way, i will protect her in every which way.

She is my niece and part of my family to me and every one else she is the most Adorable Little Thing. THE LIL'MEXICAN BABY IS WHAT I CALL HER.(NO AFFENSE).


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