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By: Lavina Burgess

Momma, my throat is dry
A drop of water would be ok
It will wash the hunger away
That hurts... deep inside of me

Momma, please don't cry
It won't be long, I'll just be fine
Cause... Gods's waiting for me
He's waiting with open arms

Momma, when the time comes
For my soul to leave
Cry that day, but... not for long
Just keep me in your thoughts
And let me leave, with love and dignity

Momma, when you close your eyes at night
I know you see my face
Just like I see yours, so close to me
Thank you mom... for being with me

Momma, I'm getting tired, and want to sleep
I'll just close my eyes, so do not weep
I'll forever feel your touch
And hear you whisper, as you touch my cheek

Momma, I really want this all to end
The suffering, the lingering, of clinging to life
Let there be a living will
Please... don't let others, live this way!

I wrote this poem forTerri Shiavo and her family. The message is... for everyone to sign a living will, so none of us have to be go through what Terri and her family are going through!