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''a dream scenerio of two lovers''

I walked into her web,
She bit me, could have killed me too

Feeling my life start to ebb
She wanted me to live instead,
A symbiotic relationship was our fate
Where we keep each other alive,

She decided on me as a soul mate
With out me she dies, with out her I shall die,
She even feeds me to keep me,
I am weakened by the venom,

She injected into me, seeing me so weak,
She can't finish me, she needs me to live
I become the biggest thing,in her life,
She captures food for me

Feeds me like, mama bird does its young
She knows if she drinks from my body,
I will die unless she is careful,
Not to drink to much at a time

She learns how to do this,
But she isn't getting enough
She is starting to die, but before she dies,
She removes me from her web

She places me in a safe place
Where I can live and be free
I want to live with her,
But not with out her

I cry loudly,
She dies in her web
I jump on to the web,
Getting stuck to the web,

I fall at her side,
She gasps her last breath,
I have no one to feed me.
I will die soon laying at her side.
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