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Robins of different sizes
With bright red vests,
Stay in tune
With the rest.

Yellow songbirds
Lead the way,
All other birds
Never get left astray.

Red winged black birds
Do their mating call,
Their voices are loud
Clear and don't fall.

Chickadees of brown and yellow
Try to steal the show,
Along with the gentle breeze
Their song doth flow.

Chipmunks and squirrels chatter
Along with Nature's tune,
They take turns
But not too soon.

Rock doves sit
In treetops high,
Their cooing sounds
Make me sigh.

Last, but not least
Are the red cardinals,
I've come to enjoy their breathtaking call
They sound like a bird, so majestic and tropical.

For the first time today,
It seems to me,
That I payed close attention
To nature's symphony.

Cynthia Jones