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Assume.. .mesmerize…catapult

The early light finding
It's way into her room
Time to get up, she assumes

Arms stretching to the ceiling
She doesn't feel rested
Her blood sugar to be tested

Takes out her glucose meter
And pierces her finger
The pain does linger

A droplet of blood
Will tell if high or low
Soon she will know

If she eats candy or a sweet
Her blood sugar will catapult
And it will be her fault

Mesmerized she waits to see
It's too high and it shows
Take a shot down it goes

Down in the valley
Opps too much, she is confused
Shaking and feeling abused

I'm either too high or too low
Blood sugar is the game
Diabetes is the name

Later in that day
Her vision begins shake
Her body feels the quake

She must act fast
Can't be slow
She is too low

She could comatize
to up the glucose saturation
She takes an injection

She will return to normal
try to maintain the level
soon her body will rebel

Eating brings it back up
too high, she explains
It's not fair she complains

She must count carbs
Be it high or be it low
On her face it will show
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