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an alternative nursery rhyme or not?

A member of 4-H contests

Several ribbons she had won

Proving she was one of the best

It was all great fun


Raised in a rural farm land

Every morning out doing chores

Listening to the radio and some new band

Shivering trying to open frozen doors


Wanting to be back in bed

Warm and snuggly

Covers drawn over her head

Sleeping with her cuddly


She was off to school

New ideas, a new experiences, she had sought

Afraid she would act like a country fool

She had a positive attitude ready to learn and to be taught


She met her roommate Jill

And couldn't help but grin

Her name should have been Pill

She was wearin' a gay pride pin


She said hi, and grabbed me and hugged me

Then she kissed me and I kissed back

I never been kissed before by a she

The college had a new Jill and Jaq
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