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Commitment, terror, hope, inspiration, despair


The day was sunny and warm

And then the clouds

Started to swarm


The sun begins to disappear

The fright and coldness

Of fear


She will come,

hold me was my thinking,

As I sit chewing my gum


She has a commitment with me

But! And then I knew terror,

Shivers and chills ran through me


Fingernails on a black board

Warmth oozed from my pores

My life dimmed as if strangled by a cord


I had betrayed her love

She was my inspiration,

So stiff, so rough, that glove

Of desperation


Had I been so vain

So into me, Was I lost to wander

Would she ever forgive me?


NO!! No!! I could not see

It was as if the water

Was blinding me


Tears of hope and despair

As I felt her hand

She touched me and pulled my hair


Just as I was to be swept out to sea

She smiled and said it wouldn't dare

Now hold on and snuggle with me

Never again.., I swear
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