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Nurse, chalk, breathe


It was in the middle summer

3 bees stung me

I have felt dumber

Red and swollen everyone could see


I started running a temp

And being ill

Geeze I was running 103

Nothing to take not 1 pill


Went to the hospital

Met a nice nurse

She was so kind so gentle

Said "you're not the first"


She showed me the chalkboard

And 3 other people admitted today

Damn bees was heard

She said "hey that's not nice to say"


I looked at her as she said "breathe"

She was about 24 and pretty

I had taken two capsules of Aleve

said"Ok now lay down sweetie"


She fluffed my pillow

she gave me a bee shot

My breath was shallow

I looked not so hot


I fell asleep
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