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Imagination...shadow ...castles


Clink clink,

The sound of the drawbridge,

Too loud...I can't think,

This old castle, creaks and groans.


My imagination on fire,

I hear things, see wisps of shadows,,

Smell the heat of fires

This big building windows.


Bleak and damp, stark and cold,

This place makes shrieking bold,

the stories I have been told.


The sounds of bats flying through,

whimpering and whining,

Of spirits caught, if you only knew.


Rattle and thud,

I hear it again,

It's red's wet.... its Blood!! ,

What is going on, oh the pain?


I feel the piercing,

Of another of my body parts,

Crying, whining,

Something starts.


I feel myself being lifted ,

The whirling of a motor,

Yes I am being shifted,

Stop! That is an order.


With fear and fright,

my heart in my throat

this on Halloween night,

trick or treat,they say

Not sure what will be my plight?


Coldness takes over my body,

I wake in a cold tub of water,

shivering turning blue... I need a toddy.
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