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She had the most beautiful eyes

Shaped like almonds: dark and deep,

And those long legs & her luscious thighs.


I cherished each and every beat of her heart.

We had so little time, it was not our fault.

We were doomed from the start.


A wretched disease I can't even pronounce

Or understand, was tearing us apart,

She no longer able to move or pounce,

I held my hand to her heart.


Laying in the fetal position

Her legs drawn up tight,

In a melancholy depression

One last time I kissed her good night.


The futility, the fears, the dread,

She stayed sharp thru it all

And now this lovely creature is dead

"NO!! I won't let go", was my call.


I held and held her

I cried and I cried

Our love will forever endure

As GOD is witness
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