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Z ealous and care free
Y acking away
X cellent way to entertain
W hat will they do next?
V igorous personalities
U nder the kitchen table
T hey dance and
S tomp on eachother's tails
R eally make me laugh
Q uickly they run
P icking up speed
O ut of the cage
N utty as they are
M y two budgies
L aughing up a storm
K ick eachother's butts
J ust can't stop laughing
I nsanity rules the cage, I laughed so hard, I cried
H ow do they do it?
G reat excitement
F un to watch
E njoyable pets
D angle from the swing
C ould have been a monkey, in his past life
B usting a gutt
A t it again tonight
Copyright © Cynthia Jones

I am so glad I have these birds. They are so wacky when they get going. LOL Just thinking about what I saw tonight, makes me smile.

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