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The Princess gazed out the window
As she watched her father leave,
He had all his armour on ready for battle.
She watched him as he mounted
His tall black stallion,
She had the feeling that this
Will be the last time she sees her father alive.

The Princess saw her father
Ride off across the land,
He never gave his daughter
The final farewell before he left.

She paced the floors,
She walked the long hallway,
Went downstairs and stood outside.
The sun's rays beamed brightly
Down upon her as she wept,
She didn't know what else to do.


Into town where the Princess' father finally arrived,
He had noble Knights watching his evil brother's every move,
This was the day, the King,
Was going to avenge his wife's murder.

The noble Knights cornered
The King's brother,
The clanking of the metal from the swords
Rang out through the town.

The King's noble Knights
And the King's brother''s Knights,
Battled to their deaths.

The air cleared and the only two men left standing,
Were the King and his brother.

After all these years,
They met face to face.

Copyright © Cynthia Jones