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The Easter Bunny stopped by
To drop off some treats,
The Ninja Squirrel spotted him
And he wanted some sweets.

The Easter Bunny passed right by him
Ninja Squirrel got rather upset,
He didn't even get a creamy egg
His evil plan was set.

The Ninja Squirrel
Met the Easter Bunny on the path,
"I'm going to kick your ass Easter Bunny
You're going to feel my wrath."

He pulled out his nunchucks
And twirled them in the air,
"I'm rather strong," said the Easter Bunny,
"You won't be able to hurt this hare."

The Easter Bunny grabbed his baskets
And banged them on the ground,
"Come on, you fuzzy madman
You are going down."

The battle then began
There was fur flying everywhere,
"You're not getting away with this
I want sweets, you ugly hare."

"That creamy egg goodness
I can taste it right now,
You giving them to everyone else
Is something, I won't allow."

The baskets fell apart
Nunchucks were loose,
The Ninja Squirrel definately
Wasn't going to put up with the abuse.

The Easter Bunny got away
From the Squirrely's wrath,
But, just then when thought he was safe
He saw the Ninja Squirrel run after him down the path.

Ninja stars flew through the air
The Easter Bunny quickly ducked,
The rabbit's hair was split down the middle
All, but one hair had been plucked.

The Easter Bunny had a weapon of his own
It was called the "Lucky Rabbits Foot,"
He flew through the air real fast
Up the Ninja Squirrel's ass, it had been put.

The Ninja Squirrel yelped
As loud as he could,
This will be the last time
He causes trouble in the woods.

Copyright Cynthia Jones