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A row of cedar trees
Are lined up, in the backyard,
So picturesque
It's like they're standing on guard.

Paths go through the forest
In every which way,
I can smell the pine trees
What a beautiful day.

Such a big, beautiful space
Where we can have barbeques,
Sit in the yard and tan, if we want
So serene, with a lot of things to do.

I wouldn't be able to wait
Until the summer arrives,
We can sit on the deck
And look at the fireflies.

We might even see a deer or two
Eating the sweet, green grass,
Maybe even a few rabbits
With the children, they may cross paths.

This is the home of our dreams
Can't wait to feel the morning dew,
Lay underneath the sky at night
Spending every minute with you.

Copyright Cynthia Jones
I wish I had taken my camera with me today. I would have loved to get pictures. We'll find out in a few days, if this house will be ours.