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I feel like a child
One that has chicken pox,
I might have to walk around
With my hands, inside socks.

I got an allergic reaction
To what? I don't have the slightest clue,
I am itchy all over
What am I supposed to do?

I took showers and baths
But, they only work for so long,
I have to get something done
Before something else goes wrong.

Why, just last night
I was in the bath,
Trying to get rid of the itch,
I didn't want to have.

I got out of the tub
After about thirty minutes or so,
I looked in the mirror
My top lip had grown.

What the hell
Did I come into contact with?
First , I had blotches on my skin
And now, I have a fat lip.

Nothing like this
Has ever happened to me before,
Having an allergic reaction to something
Has turned me into a real eyesore.

It must have been something
That was on that outside deck at the house,
I just sit here quietly in the corner
And cower like a little mouse.

Copyright Cynthia Jones
I was fine, until we went to look at a house a few days ago. I would like to know what it was, that made me like this. :oS