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Put the toilet seat down.
What woman wants to end up falling into the toilet in the middle of the night?
Stop changing the channel.
Believe me guys, when women are trying to watch a soap opera, you best leave the remote alone.
Put your own dirty clothes in the laundry.
I hate picking up crusty socks.
Stop f@rting at the table.
Do you mind? I'm trying to eat.
Excuse yourself when you burp.
And they say our children have to have manners.
Roll your own damn cigarette.
When was the last time you rolled me one?
Clean your messes up.
Trust me guys, you're a bunch of slobs.
Don't call me stupid.
We women are just as smart, if not smarter than you are.
Move out of my way.
When a woman is trying to get something done, the man always stands in the middle of the room.
Turn the music down.
I know you guys love your music loud, but sheesh!
Get out!
The least you guys could do is give us a little privacy in the bathroom.
Do it yourself.
I'm sure you guys are smart enough to do things on your own.
Get it yourself.
Guys, get your lazy, fat butts off the couch and make your own sandwich.
Use your manners.
We don't like being told what to do without a simple please and thank you.
Take your boots off at the door.
Women hate it when men carry dirt into the house after just cleaning the floors.
Shut up!
When we are trying to watch a movie, that means we are trying to hear it too.

Copyright Cynthia Jones