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 Poetic-Verses      10738 Poems Read.
Hi, my name is Rhonda. I was raised in a large suburban city as a small child. I was born in Harvey, Illinois, and raised in the South Side of Chicago. I was born into a large family, however, life circumstances, and many out of my control, I was standing alone alot of the time. I was fortunate however to be raised by my biological Grandparents, John and Fern Ruiz, who were of the old strict moral ways of life. Thank God for that, then I began writing poetry in the 7th and 8th grade as a English assignment, and found that I was gifted from the Almighty with words of wisdom, creativity of free verse, and inpiration based on true life experiences, and others that have come and gone out of my life. I have many unpublished works of Art just waiting for the right person to come along and help me to bring them to life to inspire others. I am a proud Mother of four. I have three beautiful Girls, and One handsome Boy, it is by their first breath of life, where I got mine. I have a great story to tell within my books, and poetry to those who are willing to listen. I am a survivor of many things, my hopes as a writer, is to share my ideas, fears, strengths, and weaknesses with the readers, so that you too who may be struggling to conqueor your mountians in life, can be reassured that you can become a successful mountain climber as myself. I write children's books, stories, skits, humorous, sad, true, fiction, and I also write songs, and lyrics. I enjoy life, people and everything in it, I can see the Beauty within the darkness, and I want to share it with many. I am a free spirited woman, and I am very opinionated, and that get me into alot of trouble sometimes, however, I am me, and I like myself, I hope to share a little piece of me with you, so that you will know that the Higher power does exist, and does make a difference in a persons life. Thanks for visiting Rhonda* RR

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