Poetry - SKUNT, Sarah Unwanted

Poet's Homepagepoeticallyunjust - Guestbook poeticallyunjust - About the Author
  1. And I die inside....
  2. The Voyage to Become a Man
  3. A Tragic Whack Story
  4. Dumb
  5. Caged

  6. More Poetry below Advertisment!
  7. Needles
  8. You didn't call
  9. Ms. Popular
  10. Why did you leave me?
  11. Addiction
  12. Last weekend
  13. Him
  14. I could hear the cry
  15. If I had only known
  16. Silence or something like it
  17. Devious without Malicious Intent
  18. For Matt... (thanks for restoring my faith in the male population... o' wait... no you suck)
  19. Something more then sparks...
  20. Sexuality
  21. Inside me
  22. The nothing
  23. I do not love...
  24. Behind Closed Doors
  25. Bastard
  26. If this were a poem...
  27. Mask's
  28. Dear Journal
  29. Animosity
  30. Fantisy
  31. ANGER
  32. Morning Star
  33. To my Therapist
  34. Branches
  35. Bitter
  36. rooftops
  37. Untitled may
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