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I sat beneath an old birch tree
Late on a summer's afternoon,
My head a-resting on its bark,
Its leaves in rustle songs
There in the warm slight breezes flow
That lulled me into sleep and I
Could see ahead of where I was,
A wooden bridge across a stream
Of quickly rushing waters that,
Over rocks with whitened foams,
Rushed out to sea, towards its home.
The bridge was overhung with leaves of
Alders, birches, maples, pines
Where evergreens, tall flowers grew
Around it on its either end
And it had on the end where I
About to cross, spied with my eye
A sign which read – awaken now
Your sleep is done -
Return awakened in the sun,
No need to cross this bridge to death
Just yet!

Children played here in this park,
People walked and jogged and talked
While birds their tweeting songs did sing
And I was back awake ag'in.

W.C.Hull © 2005193