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My sweetie my love,
Don't you know?
You're a dove,
Birds shouldn't drink,
You're a bird of love,
What will people think?
Its like, you're from above
The symbolism
Of gods everlasting love
What would happen?
If you were to fly
Into a window glass
You might even cry
It would hurt,
No my dove, soft feathers can break
Or even if they just bruise and bend
Then a dive you will take
Kerrrrplunk as you hit the ground
Dazed and stumbling
It's hard! As you have found
Please remember to be a dove
And proud of it, as you can be
A lovely bird of love
Kissing and cooing, sober you must be
I love writing this for you to see
And doing things for you and me
Spread your wings and fly
Kiss me and let me kiss you
Hopefully never say goodbye
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