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The room smelled of mold
There was a dirty, gritty feeling on everything
The room seemed warm with patches of cold
The rattling of chains , and the banging of steel
My nerves ready leap out on their own
Inwardly I started to squeal
The darkness was heavy and close
It seem to draw even tighter
Something crawled over my nose
If it had been Halloween it would have been ok
That comes in October
Not in may
The floor creaked as I stepped
A cold patch had found me
With great disdain I yelped
A freezing chill down my spine
Laughter and giddiness,
Was I unraveling like a dropped ball of twine
I flicked the light switch to no avail
They started crackle
I saw my reflection in the mirror, I was so pale
Just then something with tendrils
Dragged across my face
I decided there and then, No more booze, no more pills
The room started shaking,
I was feeling weird
Then It started spinning
What's happening is this the end
I fell asleep
Some time later I was awakened by a friend
she kissed me agin' and agin'
She said you gonna make it ?
On her face was a funny grin
The day just begining, and I could barely see
My breath was like a fermented tea
To the bathroom I walked ever so slowly
But never again
Will I drink! kneeling in front of the porcelain gods,
Anything that makes the room spin
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