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It happened one day
He didn't come home
He didn't bring his pay
In a short while
She had no place to stay

She was left all alone
To raise their boys
He didn't even use the phone
She looked at her two joys
Her cupboards were bare as a bone

Heard he was in the next town
She decided to check this out
He was acting a clown
His arms around a lady with a pout
He was wearing a smile not a frown

He was served the next day
She filed for divorce
It was the middle of May
She felt bruised with remorse
When all he said was, “what can I say?”

She went to school
To learn a trade
She was nobody's fool
Worked nights barely got paid
The world can be down right cruel

She completed her course fast
It was hard being a mom and a student
She was thinking of the future not the past
To a better life with a big improvement
With God's help she had made it at last

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