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Was it June or July?

Was watching a boat anchor

I can't remember why?

In the bay


received a letter

It was from Jenny

Now I was feeling better


Been missing her as of late

There was something

Sliding around, oh I can't wait


It was OH my goodness

2 arrowheads made of flint

Again her thoughtfulness


She sent them to my boys

How nice of her, saw the glint

As the sun shined on them, oh darn the boys


They started fighting,

I pulled me a willow

I was yelling


They stopped just short

Of a switching, I showed them the flints

They smiled I am happy to report


I told them Uncle Tony

Would teach, them how to make arrows

He was part Indian, not a phony


They were happy and said to say

Thank you to Ms Jenny

And that was a day

In July
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