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She was home today

she was in a mood

Now I know I ain't a girl from Bali


However, she loves me just the same

I love her too

Tam be her name


I just visualize her and that girl

At lunch, holding hands

Long black hair no curl


when she touched her

how she felt

it was such a blur

I couldn't visualize


A shiver went over and through

my heart skipped a beat

At least 2


I smile and bear

This olive skin girl

But, I can't help but stare


she and my girl together

you could have knocked me over

with a feather


but, I wish her love and peace

I know it's going to be

I never want our love to cease


So let her fly

Fly and fly high

Soar into the sky


For we are fine

She is gone

As I cry and sip the wine


If it's to be

She will be coming back

Home to me


So hold her and hug her

Make her purr

I am but a left over

Of our once loving




Once upon a memory

You will think of me

And sigh she was exemplary


smile of our long time love

Feel the longing, aching

And if you will look up above


The sky will be blue

The clouds billowy and white

You will know I love you

This and every night
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