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Deep dark mysterious


Let me describe the sea


She is the matron of the waves

She is the mother of all living things

She is vibrant, and always she behaves


While winds may beat her against the rocks

Her steady pulsing and management

With out any clocks


She never changes always lady and mysterious

Always on time she sends the tides and withdraws them too

Now to be serious


Deep in her belly is treasure

Riding her surface gives great pleasure

Be it work or leisure


Legends say she has deep dark secrets in her velvety darkness

Mermaids and gardens maintained by octopuses

Though she be a stern and unforgiving, she caresses

The sands of the beach


She is to all things, Mom or Mother Sea

For if the smallest life, were to die

The chain of life would never be

So when you see pollution and oil leaks

Cry outloud; Cry in public, cry anywhere, but CRY


She is Mom...
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