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Looking at you from across the room

you were old fashioned dressed

My heart was going boom Da boom


I tried to hide my shyness

and nervousness as you approached

I felt as If wasn't wearing a dress


the tentacles of lust

Holding me tight

Rivulets of perspire on my bust


I can't resist, speaking

But you walked slower

my voice breaking


You came over to me

And said hiiiiiiii

I got so dizzy


But, still I wanted to try

I wanted to give you kiss

But, then you walked by


Oh I hate to feel like this

again I had to try

I said oh MISS


You turned back to me

And with out warning

You kissed me


said I love you

And like always

I kissed you


we go home

Our role-play over

Instead I write poem

For you my lover


Until next week,

lights out Don't peek

And each other's lips we seek

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