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Was it the ebb and flow?
Of life that cause me to cry so

I was not aware of the reason why
But all of a sudden, I began to cry

A tear exploded bouncing off my cheek
It was like pressure has caused a leak

Have you ever noticed 1 eye is always first?
Large tears that can't wait, seem to burst

Then the other eye slowly adds its own tear
As your makeup runs and begins to smear

Behind a mask you want to leap
Hoping your emotions will keep

I tried to stop the tears I bit my bottom lip
A shudder, my emotions began to slip

She looked at me, and said what's wrong
A surprised look, my face, it got long

My emotions all came out in shudders and quakes
Embarrassed, I wanted to stop for goodness sakes

I tried to speak, no words did appear
She hugged me, and said” it's ok to cry dear”